Jaayo Plast PP IXIXIXI® Line Sheet comes with two walls and IXIXIXI® flute type, This pattern makes sheet strong and more durable then PP Hollow Sheet and it's replace bubble guard sheet, it can be use for various industries like automobile, chemical & returnable packaging industries, heavy partitions, Jaayo Plast IXIXIXI® Line sheet replace ply woods. Jaayo Plast IXIXIXI® Line sheet is printable and can be cut and joints easily to make packaging boxes for stacking and convenience to reuse 20 to 60 times compare to PP Hollow Sheet ( H - Line sheet ). Jaayo Plast IXIXIXI® Line Sheet available in width Maximum 1500mm & length 1000mm minimum, size also customizable as per customer request. Available Thickness 4mm, 5mm, 6mm, 7mm & 8m